DALU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dalù a {1} selfish, disliking to give things.
Dawù nà siya kay dì man muhátag bísag gamay, Hes selfish, he wont even give a little bit.
{2} eagerly desirous to do s.t.
, esp.
Dawù kug mangga, Im crazy about mangoes.
Dawù siyag bayli, She is fond of dancing.
v [B14; b6] become selfish.
() v {1} [A; c] begrudge giving s.t.
Kun náa lay ákù dì giyud ku mudáwù nímu, If I only had any, I wouldnt begrudge you any.
Ngánung gidawúan mu man ang kaugalíngun mung anak?
Why do you have to begrudge your own child?
{2} [A; a] tease by o?
ering s.t.
and then taking it away.
Ayaw akug dalúa.
Ug ihátag, ihátag, Dont take away what you have given me.
If youre going to give it, O.
kadalùdalù v [A13] be overly fond of.
Nagkadawùdawù ku sa lab-as isdà kay tagsa ra ku kakaun, I like fresh fish too much because I rarely get it.

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