SUGUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

súguk v {1} [A; c1P] for liquid to rush and gather s.w.
Ang túbig sa mga sapà musúguk ngadtu sa dágat, The water from the streams rushes into the sea.
Gipasúguk (gisúguk) níla sa lungug ang túbig, They let the water rush into the hole and gather there.
{2} [A2; b4] for blood to rush to the heart or head.
Ang mamatay sa alta prisiyun ingnun nga gisugúkan sa dugù sa , If a man dies of high blood pressure, it is said that he su?
ered from a rush of blood into the head.
{3} [A2; ac] go, bring through a dense growth of vegetation.
Dì ta makasúguk niánang kalibunan, We can not pass through that underbrush.
n sa dugù rush of blood.

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