DUNUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dúnut v {1} [AB12; a2] wear s.t.
out, become worn out.
Dì ka makadúnut áning sinináa sa usa ka túig kay lig-un, You cant wear this dress out in one year because its strong.
Nadunútan kug upat ka pár nga sapátus sa usa ka túig, Ive had four pairs of shoes wear out on me in one year.
{2} [B12; b6] spoil, rot slightly.
Nagkadunut na ang mangga, The mangoes are going bad.
() a {1} worn-out.
{2} somewhat rotten, spoiled.
{3} lousy in situation.
Dunut ang ákung kapaláran, I have a lousy fate in life.
{4} for manners or personality to be evil, wicked.
Dunut nga kinaíya, Bad in character.
{5} nga baráha {5a} lousy cards.
{5b} unbelievable excuse.
Ayaw ku patuhúa ánang ímung dunut nga baráha, Dont try to make me believe your improbable excuses.

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