TUBAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tubag v {1} [A; a1c6] answer.
Akuy mutubag sa pangutána, Ill answer the question.
Tubaga ang nangutána, Answer the per-son who asked a question.
Pahiyum lay íyang itubag sa ákung hangyù, The only answer she gives to my plea is a smile.
{1a} [A; b5] answer correspondence.
Wà ku makatubag dáyun sa ímung sulat, I couldnt answer your letter right away.
{1b} [A2; a12] talk back, retort.
Hisagpaan siya kay mitubag sa inahan, She got a slap in the face because she talked back to her mother.
{1c} [C3; c36] exchange heated words.
Nagkatúbag mi dihang giinsultuhan ku níya, We exchanged heated words when he in-sulted me.
{1d} [A23; b5] for an uncommon event to recur or be followed by s.t.
similar (in folk belief, a not-so-common event is followed by s.t.
Tubagun (tubagan) pa nang ímung swirti sa láing táwu, S.
else will have good luck in response to your good luck.
{2} [A2N; a12] answer for, take responsibil-ity.
Ángayng tubagun nimu ang dadangátan sa ímung kirída, You ought to take responsibility to whatever happens to your mistress.
{2a} [A2; a1] bear s.
s expenses.
Tubagun sa sigúru ang bayranan nímu sa uspital, The insurance will cover your hospital bills.
n {1} answer.
{2} s.t.
which happens after s.t.
in response to it.
pangutána, úyun, etc.
question, agreement, etc.
given in answer.
Náa ka na diay?
tubag tuksù ni Kulas- ing, Are you really there now?
asked Kulasing in answer.
paN-v [A2; c6] answer questions.
Pasar siya sa intirbiyu kay maáyu siyang manubag, She passed the interview because she answered the questions well.
Unsay ákung ipanubag ug imbistigarun ku?
What shall I answer if I am investigated?
tubagtubag v [A; a12] talk back insolently.
Ayawg tubagtubaga ang ímung magulang kay gabáan ka, Dont talk back insolently to your elder brother or you will get divine retribution visited on you.
matubagtubagun a inclined to talk back insolently.
tubagtúbag v [A; a1c] sing, read s.t.
alternatingly or with a responsive reading.
Tubag-tubágan ta pagbása ang kasulátan, Let us read the scriptures responsively.
-in-ay() v {1} = tubag, v1c.
{2} = tubagtubag.
n {1} heated exchange of words.
{2} responsive or alternate making of sound.
Ang tinubágay sa mga langgam mabuntag, The alternating sounds of birds in the morning.
-in-an n man-ner of answering.
-l-un() n {1} responsibility that one has to answer for.
Tulubágun sa tsapirun ug unsay mahitabù níla, It is the chaperon who has to answer if s.t.
happens to them.
{2} material from which a responsive reading or singing is read.

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