MAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

maN- (see p.
xvi for the meaning of the symbol N) prefix added to bases with a prefix paN- to indicate future volitional active forms.
(past naN-; subjunctive maN-.
Durative forms: future and subjunctive magpaN-(); past nagpaN-().
Potential active: future and subjunctive makapaN-; past nakapaN-.
) Mangutána ta kun háin siya, Let us ask where he is.
Wà siya mangutána, He didnt ask.
Nangutána ku piru way tubag, I asked but there was no answer.
Nagpanguput siya sa kahadluk, He held on with all his might for fright.
Walà ku makapangutána, I didnt get a chance to ask.
Makapangasáwa ka na, You can get married now.

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