BALDA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

balda v [A; a] {1} disable, maim.
Baldáha ang tiil arun dì kadá-gan, Break his legs so he cant run away.
Gibaldáhan ang táwu nga misúkul sa pulis, The man who resisted the policeman was maimed.
{2} disturb, prevent s.
from doing s.t.
Ang mga tin-idyir mubaldag apil-apil sa sáyaw, The teenagers that get into the act keep us from dancing properly.
Baldáhun ku sa makadiyut ang inyung panagsulti, May I disturb your conver-sation a minute?
n s.t.
that disturbs.
-du a crippled, maimed.
Pagkatáwu níya, baldádu na siyag kamut, He was born with a crippled hand.
v [B12; a] get maimed, maim.
Baldadúhun ta ka run, Im going to cripple you, you damn .

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