LAGPUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lagput v {1} [B26; b6] be knocked a distance.
Milagput ang búla ug layù pagpátid ni Rúmi, Romy kicked the ball, and it flew o?
in the distance.
Hilagputan ku sa íyang láway, I was hit by his spit.
Nalagput ku nga giigwáran níya, I was thrown to the side when she hit me with her buttocks.
{2} [B246] remove from a job, expel.
Nalagput na siya sa iskuylahan.
Hasta ikaw mulagput ug dì ka mag-amping, He was kicked out of school, and you will be, too, if you dont watch it.
{3} [B26] be caused to move with alacrity.
Milagput mi pagkadungug sa mandasiyun, We moved o?
smartly when we heard the command.
pa- v [A; c1] {1} cause to fly o?
{2} expel from school or job.
Wà na lang nákù siya ipalagput (palagpúta) sa íyang gisap-an, I didnt expel him from the land he was working.

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