BUDBUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

budbud v {1} [A; c] wind string, wire, strips, etc.
around s.t.
or into a ball.
Budbúri nag bandids ang ímung samad, Wind a bandage around your wound.
Ibudbud ang lúbid sa lápis, Wind the rope around the pencil.
{2} [A; c1] make a stick of dynamite out of.
{3} [A; a2] make the delicacy budbud.
n {1} coil, spoolful.
Usa ka budbud hílu, A spoolful of thread.
{2} stick of dynamite.
{3} sweet prepared from crushed ingredients (rice, corn, pili nut, millet, etc.
) formed into sticks, wrapped in banana leaves, and steamed.
budburan n reel, spool.
budburun n k.
small cylindrical mackerel.

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