HILAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hilaw a {1} uncooked, raw.
Hilaw pa nang kan-un, The rice is still uncooked.
{2} unripe, green.
Aslum ang manggang hilaw, Green mangoes taste sour.
{3} pale, light in color.
Hilaw nga pagkapula ang pintal sa ílang balay, Their house is painted a pale red.
{4} for ones facial expression to be artificial and un-natural.
Hilaw ang íyang pahiyum kay sad-an nákù siya, She gave me a forced smile because she had a guilty conscience for what she did to me.
{4a} having an embarrassed expression on the face.
Hilaw ang ílang dagway sa nasakpan sila, They had an embarrassed expression on their faces when they were caught.
{5} in phrases: bibingka nga n womans genitalia.
budbud nga n penis.
nga ayis ice that hasnt frozen well, having a white soft part in the middle.
v {1} [A13B16; a12] be halfway cooked, cook s.t.
Kinsay naghilaw sa paglútù sa kan-un?
Who cooked the rice that is half done?
{2} [B6; a12] get an artificial, forced expression on the face.
{3} [B16; a12] get an embarrassed expression on the face.
{4} [B1256] be unripe, green.
Ug mahi-law ang mangga ayawg ipakáun sa bátà, If the mango is green, dont give it to the child to eat.
tagilhaw a not yet fully ripe.

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