IBUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

íbug a attracted.
Íbug ku sa íyang sinínà, I am very much at-tracted to her dress.
v [B12; b3(1)] {1} be attracted.
Naíbug aku sa ímung sapátus, I am attracted to your shoes.
Gikaib-gan (naibgan) ku ang íyang kagwápu, I was attracted to his handsomeness.
{2} [a] = paíbug.
ibug-ibug v [A2; b(1)] tempt.
Nag-ibug-ibug ka lang nákù niánang manggang hilaw, Youre tempting me with those green mangoes.
pa-(), pa- v [A] {1} entice s.
to do s.t.
by showing him s.t.
Paibgi (paibúgi) nà siyag liníkit, Entice him with a roll of bills.
{2} [A; a] cause s.
to want s.t.
Paibgun ka lang.
Dì ka tagáan, Ill just en-tice you.
I wont give you any.
paN- v [A2; b(1)] for pregnant women to have an intense liking for s.t.
Naliwat sa munyíka ang ílang anak kay mau may gipangibúgan sa íyang asáwa, Their baby looked like a doll because the wife had developed a strong fondness for it during her pregnancy.
ka- n attraction to s.t.
kailibgan = maka-r-, 2.
kailibgun n thing that arouses desire.
Daghang kailibgun sa Magalyánis, There are lots of things to arouse your desire downtown.
ma-un, maibgánun, mailibgun a attracted to.
Maibúgun (maibgánun, mailibgun) kaáyu siya sa mga malahálung aláhas, She is strongly attracted to expensive jewelry.
maka-r- a {1} capable of causing attraction.
Ang íyang kaanyag makaiíbug, She has a magnetic beauty.
{2} capable of causing envy.

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