HUNHUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hunhun v {1} [A3P; c1] pull down s.t.
which wraps or encloses s.t.
Duha ka táwu ang nagpugung sa íyang buktun ug láin ang mihunhun sa íyang panti, Two men held her arms while another pulled her panties down.
{2} [B; a12] for solids (grains, sand, powder) to settle, sink gradually to a level.
Muhunhun ang bugas kun uyúgun ang gisudlan niíni, The rice grains will settle if you shake the container.
Naghunhun ang bungdù sa lubung, The mound of the grave is gradually settling.
{3} [B2; b6] for the hair to fall out.
Mihunhun (nahunhun) ang ákung mga buhuk nga kaspahun, I lost lots of hair because of dandru?
n hair which has fallen out.
Daghang hunhun nga nadá sa ákung pagsudlay, My comb was full of hair after I finished combing it.

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