GUYUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gúyud v {1} [A; a12] draw, tow.
Ang bátà naggúyud ug trak-trák, The child is pulling a toy truck.
Guyúrun tikaw ug dì ka muuban, Ill drag you if you dont come along.
{2} invite a partner to dancing.
() n {1} rope used in trawling or towing.
{2} runners of a sled.
guyuran n sled consisting of a platform without sides mounted on runners.
ka-n boats which are pulled along by another large boat.
Púlù ming kagúyud ánang dakung lantsa, There were ten of us in boats towed by the large launch.
sa- v [A2S; c] trailing behind.
Nagsaguyud ang kápa sa rayna, The queens cape is dragging behind.
Ayaw isagúyud ang inyung bakyà kay sábà, Dont drag your wooden slippers because theyre noisy.

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