HUBAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hubag n {1} boil.
Hápit na mubutu ang hubag, The boil is about to come to a head.
{2} any swelling, usually reddish, on and beneath the skin.
Daghag hubag ang náwung sa pinaakan, He has swellings all over the face where he was bitten.
{3} mag-ical expression uttered repeatedly by an unglù that has gotten injured as he immerses himself in a river in order to get cured instantly.
v {1} [b4] get a boil.
Gihubagan siya sa lubut, He has a boil on his buttocks.
{2} [B3(1)46] swell.
Mihubag ang ági sa íyang indyiksyun, The region on his arm which was injected swelled.
Naghubag ang íyang mata sa paghinílak, Her eyes are swollen from constant crying.
sa bábuy = dáti.
() n newly har-vested grains which havent been dried.
Dì magaling ang húbag nga mais kay mapusà lang, Fresh corn kernels cannot be milled because they will just get squeezed.
see also kulub.

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