SIPYAT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sipyat v {1} [A23] make a mistake.
Musipyat ka lang ug kas-a, papahawáun ta giyud ka, Just commit one mistake, and Ill fire you.
{2} [B26] miss an aim, fail in a plan.
Dílì ku musipyat ug akuy patirúhun sa langgam, If I shoot the bird, I wont miss.
Plá-nung dílì masipyat, A plan that cannot fail.
{3} [A23] overlook, fail to do s.t.
Ug akuy pabasáhun walay sayup nga musipyat, I wont overlook a thing if I read it.
Ayaw sipyáta pagbása ang sunud gulà, Dont fail to read the next issue.
n {1} error commit-ted.
Way sipyat siyang muantug, He never misses in his shots.
{2} failure to do s.t.

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