PIKA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pika v [A; b] {1} beat, strike.
Human makapika sa táwu, naná-gan sila, After beating the man, they fled.
Pikhi nang tawhána, Give that fellow a beating.
{2} berate s.
with stinging words.
Gipikahan ni Maryu ug insultu ang kandidátu sa upusisiyun, Mario insulted the opposition candidate with stinging criticisms.
{3} take a picture.
Gipikhan ku níya samtang nagsáyaw, He took a picture of me dancing.
{4} [A; b] have sexual intercourse (euphemism).
Makapika ka bag kalima?
Can you do it five times?
n {1} blow delivered.
{2} action of having intercourse.

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