IKUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

íkug v [B12; b3(1)c5] feel hesitant to approach s.
for s.t.
, feel embarrassed to refuse.
Maíkug ka bang mubalíbad?
Are you embarrassed to refuse them?
Wà ku mangasábà kay gikaik-gan ku ang tigúwang sa píkas, I didnt scold them because I was embarrassed to do so with the father right next door.
Ngánung ikaíkug man nímu ang pagpatábang kanákù?
Why are you em- barrassed to turn to me for help?
paN-() v [A13] be feeling embarrassed.
Nagpangikug siyang misaka sa báy, He felt terri-bly embarrassed as he went into the house.
ilikgan, ikgánun a easily feeling hesitation.
ka- n feeling of shyness to ask or refuse a favor.

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