LAMBUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lambus v [A; c1] strike with s.t.
heavy, usually in a downward motion.
Mga balud nga milambus sa gamayng sakayan, Waves that lashed at the small boat.
Makalambus ka kahà ánang kaban níya?
Do you think you can slam that trunk on him?
Gilam-búsan ang kawatan sa alhu, We struck the burglar with a pestle.
Alsáhun tikaw run ug ilambus sa yútà, Ill lift you and throw you hard against the ground.
n {1} blow with s.t.
Kusug nga lambus sa íkug sa buáya, Heavy lash inflicted by the crocodile with its tail.
{2} stick used to strike s.

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