LUNLUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lunlun a all of one kind, no mixture.
Ang kinabúhì dì lunlun kalípay, Life is not all happiness.
v {1} [A1; c16] have all in one kind, no mixture.
Sagúlig pinágud mais ang tablíya, ayawg ilun-lun (lunlúna) nga kakaw, Mix some roasted corn in the chocolate tablet, dont make it pure cacao.
{2} [A12C; b] be all together in a place.
Dì ta makalunlun ug lingkud sa píkas lingkuránan kay kúlag hángin ang ligid, We cant all stay on one side because the tire lacks air.
Dì ta maglunlun dinhis píkas kay malúnud unyà ta, Lets not huddle on one side of the boat because it might capsize.

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