ISKUWAT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

iskuwat v [A2N] attend a class section one is not supposed to.
Wà ku makatambung sa klási sa buntag maung miiskuwat (nangiskuwat) ku sa hápun, I missed the morning lecture so I attended the same lecture in the afternoon.
-ir() n {1} squatter: a person who stays on land in urban areas which does not belong to him.
{2} squatter areas in the city.
{3} s.
occupying s.
elses seat (humorous).
v {1} [B16; b6] be, become a squatter.
{2} [B12; b6] for a place to turn into a slum area.
Maiskuwátir unyà nang plása ug dílì nà anamug papaháwà nang mga nag-barungbárung dihà, The plaza will soon become a squatter area if the shanties are not removed as they are put up.
{3} [A; a12] oust squatters and demolish their houses.
Iskuwatírun mi sa tag-íya íning yútà, The owner of the land is planning to oust us.

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