KADLAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
kadlas a having scratches on the surface.
Kadlas kaáyu ang pintal sa ímung awtu, The paint on your car is full of scratches.
n scratch, mark left on a surface.
Dílì mailhan ang kadlas, The scratch is invisible.
v [A13P; a12b2] put a scratch in s.t.
, make a break on a surface.
Hikadlasan ang tapalúdu sa awtu, The fender got scratched.
-un a full of scratches.
-ánay = tubigtúbig.
see túbig.
-an() n a leader of the defenders in a childrens game called tubigtúbig.
v [B] be the leader in this game.
Kadlas kaáyu ang pintal sa ímung awtu, The paint on your car is full of scratches.
n scratch, mark left on a surface.
Dílì mailhan ang kadlas, The scratch is invisible.
v [A13P; a12b2] put a scratch in s.t.
, make a break on a surface.
Hikadlasan ang tapalúdu sa awtu, The fender got scratched.
-un a full of scratches.
-ánay = tubigtúbig.
see túbig.
-an() n a leader of the defenders in a childrens game called tubigtúbig.
v [B] be the leader in this game.