KULAPYUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kulapyut v [A; a] {1} hang down from s.t.
holding on with the limbs.
Mukapyut ang sirkadur sa tsíning bar, The acrobat clings to the chinning bar.
Ayawg kapyúti ang ákung líug, Dont cling to my neck.
{2} [A12; b] ask a favor by turning to s.
Nasúd siyas kapitulyu kay nakakapyut man ug pulitiku, He got a job in the Capitol because a politician recommended him.
sa sagbayan v [A3] get sick with venereal disease (lit.
hang on to the rafters).
Patúu ug tambag ug dì ka gustung mukapyut sa sagbayan, Listen to advice if you dont want to get v.
paN-v [A] cling, hold on to s.t.
vigorously or frantically.
Nagpan-gapyut sa bágun ang táwung nahg sa bung-aw, The man who fell into the chasm clung frantically to a vine.
-ánan n place for clinging or holding onto.

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