KUMPITINSIYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kumpitinsiya n competition or competitor.
Mahal ning tin-dahána kay way kumpitinsiya, This store is expensive because there are no competitors.
v {1} [AC; b] be competing.
Mukumpitin-siya man nímu nang bag-ung istudiyanti, The new student is go-ing to give you competition.
Sa nigusyu ra sila nagkakumpitin-siya, They are rivals in business only.
Gikumpitinsiyáhan ang Amirika sa Rusya sa pag-adtu sa búwan, Russia competed against America to get to the moon.
{2} [b] outshine.
Nasukù siya kay nakumpitinsiyahan (nakumpitinsiyaan) man ang bag-u níyang sinínà, She got mad because s.
else outshone her in her new dress.

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