KUMUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kumun a {1} common, ordinary.
Kumun kaáyu nà dinhi.
Daghan man gud, Thats awfully common here.
There is so many of them.
{2} ordinary, not special.
Kumun kaáyung pagkáun, Very ordinary food.
{3} shared equally among all the members of a group.
Kining yutáa wà pa mabáhin.
Kumun kini, This land hasnt been divided yet.
It belongs to everyone in the fam-ily.
Mísa karun nga kumun álang sa tanang kalag sa purgaturyu, This is a common mass for all souls in purgatory.
v {1} [B126; a2] become common.
Dílì madúgay makumun na sab ang tag-as nga sanínà, It wont be long before long dresses get to be a common sight.
{2} [c1] make s.t.
common property, shared by many in a group.
Ug way tistamintu, makumun ang kabílin, If there is no will, the inheritance becomes common property.
sintídu n common sense.

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