NUBINA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

nubína n novena.
nga bug-us n special novena for one person or soul.
sa kumun n novena o?
ered for all souls on All Souls Day or on the nine days before.
v [A; b6] hold a novena.
Nakalingkawas tu siya sa purgaturyu kay nanubináhan, He has probably been saved from purgatory because a novena was held for him.
ug sugung, almanáki v [A12; b6] Ill eat my hat, do the impossible (lit.
read a novena from a bamboo tube, almanac).
Magnubína kug sugung ug makapasar kas síbil sirbis, I will eat my hat if you pass the Civil Service exams.
nubinahan n book used in praying the novena.
nubinaryu n the nine-day period in which a novena is held.
v [A13] hold this feast.

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