LUKUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lúkut v {1} [AB; ac6] roll up, cause s.t.
to do so.
Mulúkut ang dáhun inigkaláyà, The leaf will roll up when it is withered.
Lukúta ang banig inigmata nímu, Roll up the mat when you wake up.
Ilúkut ang panaptun sa káhuy, Wrap the cloth around the wood.
{1a} sa banig v [A; c1] for political protegees to vacate a position when their political party loses.
{2} [B126] for the body to get rolled over by some force.
Nalúkut siya uban sa bawud, He rolled with the waves.
{3} [B126] be beaten badly in a contest.
Nalúkut si Sirhing sa miáging iliksiyun, Serging was crushed during the last election.
paN-, panga-, lukutlukut v [A3] for dirt on the body to come o?
in rolls when scrubbed or rubbed.
À, nangalúkut (naglukutlukut, nanlúkut) man lang ágis íyang tagiptip nga gilúgud, My!
How the dirt on his body comes o?
in rolls when you rub it!

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