LINYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

linya n {1} lines drawn or formed by things in a row or column.
Ang linya sa ímung papil hiwì, The lines on your paper are crooked.
Ang linya sa mga táwu miabut ngadtu sa iskína, The queue reached to the corner.
{2} electric, telephone, telegraph lines.
Naputul ang linya sa tilipunu, The telephone line was cut.
{3} transportation line.
Barátu ang plíti kay duha ka linya nagkumpitinsiya, The fare is cheap because the two lines are in competition.
{3a} the route served by a line.
Ang ámung dapit may linya sa pasahiruan, Our neighborhood is on a public trans-portation line.
{4} the field of ones special knowledge, interest.
Dílì ákung linya ang pagkamagtutudlù, Teaching is just not my line.
{5} line of things similar to each other.
Ang bansíkul ug tulíngan paríhug hitsúra kay mau ra mang linyáha, Tuna and mackerel are similar in appearance because they belong to the same family.
v {1} [A; c] line s.t.
Naglinya ku áring tabla pára damahan, I am making lines for the checkerboard on this piece of wood.
{2} [A; c1] form, put into lines.
Sayu nga mulinya ang mga táwu pagpalit ug tíkit sa sini, The people queue up early to buy tickets to the movie.
Linyáha (ilinya) ang mga síya diri, Put the chairs in line here.

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