LIPAT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lipat v [B1256] {1} make an error through inattention: lose track or forget what one was talking about.
Sa pag-ihap nalipat ku ug pila na tu, I was counting, but I lost track how many there were.
Nalipat ku ug diin ikabutang ang hunsuy, It slipped my mind where I put my pipe.
{2} mistake s.
s identity.
Nalipat ku.
Ingun ku ug si Nítuy ka, I was mistaken.
I thought you were Nitoy.
{3} [B1256; b8] fail to notice s.t.
Nalipat ku ug walà ku makamatikud sa pag-ági sa bátà, I failed to notice, and I was not aware of it when the child passed by.
Nalipatan ku ang usa ka linya ug kupya, I missed a line when I was copying.
{4} [A; a12] deceive s.
, causing him to fail to notice s.t.
Lipatun ka lang níya sa mga púlung nga tam-is, He will just deceive you with sweet words.
pa-(), lipatlípat n {1} sleight of hand, esp.
a thimblerig game where a seed is hidden under one of the three thimble-shaped cups and is quickly shifted from one cup to another.
The players gamble as to where the seed is located.
{2} deception, chicanery.
Ang íyang pagdaug sa kuntrátu nahímù sa palípat, He won the contract through chicanery.
v {1} [A13] have a thimblerig game.
{2} [A; a12] deceive with chicanery.

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