RASUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

rasun n {1} reason that s.t.
Unsa may rasung mi-palta ka?
What is the reason you were absent?
{2} reasoning.
Ang íyang rasun walà makakumbinsr nákù, His reasoning was not convincing to me.
v [A2N; c6] give reasons why s.t.
is or is not.
Ngánung murasun (mangrasun) ka pa man nga naabtan man ka?
Why do you keep trying to explain, when I caught you red-handed?
Mau tuy ákung girasun níya nga nasakit ka, The excuse I gave to him was that you were sick.
-abli a {1} reasonable.
Rasunabli ang íyang gibúhat kay maalkansi man tà tug wà, What he did was reasonable because he would have lost money if he hadnt.
{2} tending to give excuses, reasons why s.t.
was or was not.

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