UBRA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ubra v {1} [A; b6] work, esp.
Nag-ubra ku sa báy ni Andis, Im working on Andis house.
{2} [b(1)] work o?
a debt.
Ákung ubráhan tung bayinti nga útang nákù, I will work o?
my twenty-peso debt to you.
{3} [A23; b(1)] for medicine to take e?
Wà pa ka ubráhi sa purga?
Hasnt the purgative taken e?
ect yet?
{4} [B; b4] for menstruation to flow freely.
Dì muubra ang ákung dugù ug malígù ku, My menstruation wont flow freely if I take a bath.
n {1} work, esp.
manual or heavy.
gíkan sa padúlung sa trabáhu going from work to more work.
Wà kuy diskansu kay gíkan sa laba padúng sa kusína, padúng sa bátà gíkan sa ubra padúng sa trabáhu, I have no rest.
From the laundry to the kitchen, to the baby.
I go from work to more work.
{2} finished works.
maistra n masterpiece.
Nahálin ug dakù ang ubra maistra sa pintur, The masterpiece of the artist sold for a good price.
ubríru n {1} manual laborer.
{2} member of a household (humorous).
v [B1256; a12] be a worker.
ubrírus = ubríru (plural).
pina- n hired hands, workers.
inubráhan n remuneration for ones work.
ulubrahun, ubrahúnun n things to be done.
-s publikas n public works.

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