AMBISIYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ambisiyun n {2} way of playing mahjong where one doesnt open as soon as he has mahjong but rather tries to parley his holdings into s.t.
that gives a better return.
v {2} [AP; b] play ones hand in this way.
Mumadyung na tà ku, apan wà lang kay nag-ambisiyun (nagpaambisiyun) kug syíti páris, I could have gone mahjong, but I didnt because I was holding out for seven pairs.
{2a} [c1] make it an ambisiyun hand.
-ar v = ambisiyun, v1.
-adu a ambitious.
Ambisiyunádu kaáyu ning batáa nga makahuman sa íyang pagtuun, This child is very ambitious to finish his studies.
v [B126; b6] be, become ambitious.

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