YAGAYAGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

yagàyagà v {1} [A; b6(1)] ridicule, make fun of s.
Isumbung sa maistra ang muyagàyagà sa bakul ninyung klasmit, If anybody makes fun of your lame classmate, report him to the teacher.
{2} [A; b5] bother, disturb.
Ayaw kug yagàyagai (yagàyagaa) niánang ímung prublíma, Do not bother me with your prob-lems.
{3} [A; bc1] do ones work carelessly or shoddily.
Kun magyagàyagà ka sa ímung búhat dúgay nga mahuman, If you are careless with your work, it will take a long time to fin-ish it.
Giyagàyagaan lang nímu pagbúhat ang lamísa, You did make the table carelessly.
Yagàyagaa (iyagàyagà) paghíwà arun masámad ka, Keep slicing carelessly like that so you can hurt yourself.
n ridicule, teasing.
-un a given to making fun of s.

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