KLASI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

klási n {1} class, kind.
Primíra klási nga panaptun, First class cloth.
Klási sa mananap, A kind of animal.
Way mu-tagad ánang klasíha sa pagkatáwu, No one pays that sort of person any heed.
v [a12] classify, sort out by kind.
Klasíha ning panaptun, Classify these pieces of cloth.
ka- v [A13] be of all di?
erent kinds.
Nagkaklási lang ang táwu sa Karbun, There are all di?
erent types of persons at the Carbon market.
klasiklási a be all di?
erent kinds.
v [AB1456; a] put, be of various types or kinds.
Magklasiklási giyud ang táwu, There are all di?
erent sorts of people.
Klasiklasíha pagpalit ug utanun, Buy vegetables of various kinds.

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