UYUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úyug v [AB2S; a1] shake back and forth in any direction with quick motions, cause s.t.
to do so.
Miúyug ang balay paglínug, The house shook in the earthquake.
Uyúga siya ug kusug arun mumata, Shake him hard to wake him up.
() n mature co-conut, at the stage when the water sounds if it is shaken.
() ug útuk a feeble-minded.
Uyug tingáli ug útuk kay dì makasabut dáyun, He must be feeble-minded because he cannot understand right away.
v [B25; b6] for a coconut to reach maturity.
pa-n ceremony and party upon blessing a house or inaugurating a building.
v [A; b5] hold a house blessing.

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