PIRST is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pirst n {1} first place in a competition.
{1a} one who is first place, first-placer.
Akuy pirst sa ámung klási, Im the best in my class.
{2} the one before the second.
Ang ímung ngán pirst sa lista, Your name is at the top of the list.
bis n first base in baseball.
v {1} [A2; b4(1)] reach first base.
Hingpirstbisan ta sa átung kuntra, Our opponents managed to reach the first base.
{2} [A12] get to first base with a girl, get a favorable reaction.
Gidatungan kug maáyu ang inahan piru wà giyud ku makapirst bis sa anak, I bribed the mother, but I still couldnt get to first base with the daughter.
hap n first half of a basketball game.
-id n first aid.
v [A; b6] give first aid.
Pirst-íri dáyun ug dúnay makuyapang kadíti, If a cadet faints, give him first aid immediately.
klas n first class.
Pirst klas nga pasahíru, First-class passenger.
Púru mga pirst klas ang ákung saput, My clothes are all of the best quality.
v [A] go by way of first class, get first class things.
lídi n first lady, wife of the top o?
v [B1256] be the first lady.
prayis n first prize.
v [A12] win the first prize.
plur n ground floor.
ran n first-run movie.
v [B1256] be a first-run movie.
trip the first trip of the day of a passenger vehicle.
v [A] go on the first trip.

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