IHI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

íhì n urine.
ug irù k.
toadstool, dirty white in color, about 2 1/2 tall with a flat top about 2 in diameter.
v [A3S; c] {1} urinate.
Nakaihì ang bátà sa karsúnis, The child wet his pants.
{2} [A123P; a4] have too frequent urination.
Giíhì mi pagininum ug sirbísa, We kept having to urinate because we drank so much beer.
paN- v [A13] urinate.
Adtu ta sa gawas mangíhì, Lets go outside to urinate.
ihìihì v [A13] {1} urinate too often.
{2} for a woman to get all wet from heavy petting (slang, euphemism).
Nag-ihìihì ang ákung uyab dihang ákung gikulkug, My girl got wet because I got my finger into her.
ka-un(), kahid-un a feel like urinating.
pala-() a urinating frequently.

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