TIN-AW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tin-aw a {1} clear, not turbid or muddied.
Tin-aw ang limpiyung túbig, Clean water is clear.
{2} clear, definite.
Tin-aw ang íyang báhad, His warning was clear.
{3} clear-voiced.
Tin-aw íyang tíngug kay dì siya muinum, He has a clear voice because he doesnt drink.
ug íhì a a woman who can have intercourse again after having had a baby (lit.
having clear urine).
v {1} [B2; b6] become clear, not muddled or hoarse.
{2} [AP; a2] clarify.
Tin-áwun nátù nga akuy masunud dinhi, Lets make it clear: youre supposed to obey me here.
Patin-áwig maáyu ang mga labhanan, Rinse out the clothing till the water becomes clear.
Make what is from the clothing clear.
) -ay() v [C; c3] confront each other so as to iron out di?
Makigtin-away ku níya báhin niánang tabía, Ill have it out with her about that gossip.
ka-an n clarification, explanation.

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