BANSAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bansay a skillful, proficient.
Bansay kaáyu siyang mudúlag ahidris, He plays chess expertly.
v {1} [AP; a] train s.
Akuy mubansay sa buksidur, Ill train the boxer.
{2} [A; a] practice, rehearse.
Nagbansay siya sa áwit, She is practicing the song.
paka- v [A13] make oneself adept at s.t.
Nagpakabansay siya sa karáti tungud sa trabáhu níyang kuyaw, She made herself an expert in karate because of her dangerous job.
bansaybansay n annual military training.
ma-in-un a in an expert way.

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