BATAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

batal n hardened part on an otherwise soft or medium-soft sur-face.
Dúnay batal sa abukádu, There was a hard spot in the avocado.
Dúnay batal sa kutsun, There was a hard lump in the mattress.
Mga batal sa samad, Clots of blood in the wound.
v [B6] {1} be s.t.
hard in an otherwise soft area.
Mibatal ang pistúla sa íyang bulsa, One could feel a hard place in his pocket where his pistol was.
{2} be, become brazen.
Mibatal (nabatal) na ning náwung kug síging pangútang, I have become shame-less from constantly borrowing money.
ang náwung a shame-less, hardened to insults.
pa- v [A; b6(1)] stay put, refuse to move or budge from a position.
Nagpabatal lang siya sa íyang gilingkúran bísag gipasíbug, He did not budge from his seat even when he was asked to move a little.
-an n flat floor of wood or stone raised above the ground found at the back of the kitchen, used for storing water jars, and washing.
It usually has steps going down.
v [A; c1] make, add a batalan.

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