BUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

búl n mason jar, used as a measure for toddy.
búla (not without l) n {1} ball.
{2} game of ball.
dimánu n cue ball in billiards.
v {1} [A; c1] form s.t.
into a ball.
{2} [A26; b6] play a ball game.
bulabúla v [A; c1] {1} make meat balls.
{2} be bounced around like a ball.
Ang sakayan gibulabúla sa dagkung balud, The boat was tossed about like a ball in the high seas.
{3} for several persons to maul s.
bouncing him around among themselves.
n {1} dish consisting of little meat balls.
{2} plimsoll line, indicating the load line of a ship.
-dur() n ball player.

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