WAKLAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

waklay a tall and thin.
Mikalit siyag túbù maung waklay, He grew fast.
Thats why he is lanky.
v [B12; b6] become tall and thin.
Káun ug túda kay nagkawaklay ka, Eat a lot because you are getting tall and thin.
wakli v {1} [AN; c] push, brush s.t.
away from one.
Giwakli níya ang pagkáung gidúnul, He brushed the food they handed him aside.
{2} [A; c6] drive out from the mind (literary).
Iwakli ang mga hunàhúnà mung way hinungdan, Cast aside your foolish ideas.
{3} [c6] give away s.t.
of little value to oneself.
Usáhay waklíhan pud mi níya madiyut, Sometimes he tosses a little something our way.
n action of pushing s.t.
Sa usa ka wakli nahapaúmud ang íyang kuntra, One brush of the arm sent his enemy sprawling.

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