MURUMURU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

murumúru n {1} play in verse, dramatizing noble deeds of roy-alty, performed on an elaborate and lavish scale on the feast day of a patron saint.
{2} s.t.
put on merely as a show, not with serious purpose.
Usa lang nà ka murumúru ang imbistigasiyun sa kahugáwan sa Arsii, The investigation of the Rice Adminis-tration scandals is all a big show.
v [A1; c1] hold a Moro-Moro play.
murun n k.
torch made from a section of bamboo around 3 cm.
in diameter with a neck and fuelled with kerosene.
v [A13; a12] make, make into a torch of this sort.

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