LIHI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lihi v {1} [A; b] inaugurate s.t.
with the proper ceremonies or magical ingredients.
Maglihi sila sa iskuylahan, They will have the school blessed.
Kámay mauy ilihi sa mag-anak, When a woman is in labor, give her brown sugar to insure that she will recover quickly.
{1a} bury s.t.
with plants to insure a good harvest.
Lihian ug tablíya ang tabákù arun lugum ug kulur ang dáhun, They plant chocolate together with tobacco seeds to as-sure that it will have dark-colored leaves.
{1b} begin the new year with a certain action which is believed will then endure for the rest of the year.
Gilihian níla ang bag-ung túig ug áway, They began the new year with a quarrel.
{1c} use s.t.
for the first time following the proper prohibitions or injunctions.
Li-hian nátug simba ang bag-u nátung sapátus arun mulungtad, Lets wear our new shoes to church so they will last.
{2} [A1; b6(1)] crave s.t.
in the first few months of pregnancy such that the appearance of the thing desired appears as a birthmark in the o?
Kun maglihi kag asin, putì kunu ang ímung bátà, If you crave salt in your early months of pregnancy, your child will be white.
{2a} [b4] for a child to get the appearance of a certain thing his mother craved while she was conceiving him.
Náay pula nga tap-ing sa íyang nawung kay gilihian siyag kundí-man, He has a purple splotch on his cheek because his mother craved red cloth in her pregnancy.
{2b} [b4] get to have a cer-tain characteristic by starting out in a certain way.
Bag-ung túig gánì, sayug mata arun dì ka lìhan pagkahingatulug, Get up early on New Years day so you wont get the characteristic of being a sleepyhead for the whole year.
n {1} injunctions or prohibitions observed upon inaugurating s.t.
; anything used as a magical means to insure success of s.t.
Ang lihi sa pagtanum ug mangga, asúkar, They use sugar to plant with mangoes to insure sweet fruit.
{2} birthmark which is thought invariably to be due to a mothers cravings in her early stages of pregnancy.
pistang ig-l-() n holiday of obligation in the Catholic Church.

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