LALA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lála a {1} for bites to be poisonous.
L kaáyu ang tuyum, Black sea urchins inflict a painful sting.
{2} ug bàbà, dílà one who has the trait that whatever bad he utters will come true.
Such people usually have a birthmark on the tongue.
Dì siya makabuyag, mahitabù dáyun, kay lg dílà, He cannot make com-ments, because they will come true right away.
He has a poi-sonous tongue.
Simbaku malála kag bàbà, God forbid if what you said comes true.
God forbid that you be a person with a poisonous tongue.
) v [b4] {1} be a?
ected by venom.
Dì siya lad-an sa suyud sa buyug, He is not a?
ected by bee stings.
{2} be hurt or embarrassed by a comment regarding s.t.
which is secret but true.
Nalad-an siya sa ílang panaghap nga may kurang, She was embarrassed when they figured that she was having homosexual relations with s.
because it was true.
{3} [b4] feel the e?
ects of an activity so that one cannot continue doing it.
Gilad-an sa bayli maung dì na gánì gustung mamínaw ug sunáta, She has danced so much that she doesnt even want to hear music.
lad-ánun a having strong reactions to venom.

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