AGALUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

agálun (from ágad) n master, boss.
v {1} [A123S] happen to get a master.
Nakaagawun akug dagmalan, I happened to work for a cruel master.
{2} [A2SN] for animals or possessions to allow only the owner to make use of it.
Nag-agawun kining ákung kabáyù, aku ray makakabayù, My horse is choosy.
Im the only one who can ride on him.
paN- v [A2S; b(1)] work for a master.
Mangagálun lang kug way láing kapangabuhían, Ill work as a servant if I cant find any other job.
Insik ang íyang gipangagawunan, He worked for a Chinese.

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