LIGAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ligas v [B256; b4(1)] {1} for s.t.
to slip o?
of what it is placed on or for ones footing to slip.
Bangíla ug maáyu ang tiil sa lamísa arun dílì muligas (maligas), Wedge the table leg carefully so it wont slip o?
Naligas ang ákung tiil sa hakhak, My foot slipped out of the notch in the coconut tree.
{2} commit a mistake.
Muligas (maligas) ka lang ug kas-a, itsapuyra dáyun ka, If you make a single mistake, you will be fired at once.
Naligas ang ákung bàbà pagtug-an, The truth slipped out of my mouth.
{3} fail, be unsuccessful.
Sáyang, miligas ang átung plánu, Too bad.
Our plan failed.
{4} be past the high noon mark.
Musúgud ta pagtrabáhu sa dílì pa muligas (maligas) ang adlaw, We will start work before the sun gets past high noon.
a {1} be past the zenith.
Ligas na ang bulan.
Kay daktul, saylu na sa tungang gabíi, The moon is past the zenith, and since it is full moon, it must be past midnight.
{2} for a pig to be below the accepted standard weight (forty kilos) for wholesale shipment.
() v {1} [A13; b] miss a number or proportion by a small amount.
Ug maglígas ang ímung timpla sa abúnu mamatay ang tanum, If your fertilizer is not mixed in the right proportions, the plant will die.
Ang madaúgun nga tíkit ug ang ákù naglígas ug duha ka numiru, My ticket was only two numbers o?
of the winning number.
{2} [b3(1)] have di?
erences over s.t.
Gamay ra gud nang inyung gikaligásan, sultíhun lang gud nà, You are having a quarrel over such a small thing.
You should talk it out.
pa-v [A; a12] look for errors s.
has made to justify harsh action against him.
Gipaligas ka lang sa ímung manidyr arun maháwà ka, The manager is just waiting for you to slip so he can fire you.
pa-() v [A; b] provoke s.
to provide the excuse to beat him up.
-an() n the amount or extent to which one thing di?
ers from another.

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