LAGUB is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...
lágub v [A2C; c1] join s.t.
of value together, as money, land, business.
Mulágub ku sa inyung nigusyu, I will join your busi-ness.
Nagkalágub ang ámung duha ka lúti sa usa ka titulu, Both of our lots are included in the same title.
Lagúba (ilágub) ang inyung puhúnan arun mu makalíhuk sa nigusyu, Pool your capital so that you can start a business.
of value together, as money, land, business.
Mulágub ku sa inyung nigusyu, I will join your busi-ness.
Nagkalágub ang ámung duha ka lúti sa usa ka titulu, Both of our lots are included in the same title.
Lagúba (ilágub) ang inyung puhúnan arun mu makalíhuk sa nigusyu, Pool your capital so that you can start a business.