LAHUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

láhug v [AC; c1] {1} mix s.t.
together and stir around.
Nagláhug ang mga trabahanti ug simintu, The laborers are mixing the cement.
Nagláhug ang dátù ug pubri niadtung mitínga, The rich and the poor mixed together in that gathering.
{2} get all mixed up in no special order.
Nagkaláhug ang ílang sulti, They were talking on all di?
erent topics mixed up without any order.
-ay v [B] = láhug.
lahuglahug v [AC12; a] {1} roam around with others.
Dì ku gustung makiglahuglahug ka sa mga buguy, I dont want you to roam around with bums.
{2} roam around in general for no good purpose.
Sa kaping magtrabáhu magpúnay lag lahuglahug, Instead of working, he just used to roam about.
{3} go straight s.w.
Manglahuglahug ta dihà ánang mga lagúna paingun sa ámù, Lets cross those meadows to get to our house.

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