PIG-IT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pig-it a narrow, tight.
Pig-it nga sinínà, A tight dress.
v {1} [B; a12] become tight-fitting, be narrow.
Napig-it ang ákung sinínà kay mikúlù, My dress became tight because it shrunk.
Ug pig-itun ang kalsáda dílì makaági ang trák, If the road is made too narrow, the bus wont be able to use it.
{2} [A; a1] press s.t.
tightly in ones hand or embrace.
Ang mga kandidátu kusug mupig-it ug kamut, The candidates are shaking hands for all they are worth.
Ayaw pig-íta ang bátà pagkúgus, Dont hold the baby too close.
{3} [A; a] pressure s.
into doing s.t.
Pig-íta arun musugut, Exert pressure on her so that she will accept you.
{4} [A; b5] subject s.
to strong disciplinary constraint.
Kinahanglan pig-ítan ang anak nga dalága, It is necessary to keep tight reins on ones daughter.
-in-ay v [A13] press, shake each others hands.
Nagpinig-ítay sa kamut ang mga bisíta, The guests were shaking each others hands.

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