MINUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

mínus a {1} few, less in quantity.
Mínus ang abut run kay húlaw, The yield is lower this time because of the long drought.
Mínus kaáyu ang pumapálit ánang klasíhas panaptun, Few buy that kind of cloth.
{2} low.
Mínus ang grádu, Having low marks.
{3} inferior in quality.
Ayawg palit íni kay mínus kaáyung klasíha, Dont buy this because its an inferior sort.
{4} slow in com-prehension.
Ikaw kay mínus ka, dílì dáyun makasabut, Because you are slow in comprehension you dont get it right.
v [APB6; b7] lower or reduce; be less, get scarce.
Dílì giyud mumínus (mamínus) sa kinyintus ang ákung kítà, My income will not be less than five hundred pesos.
() v [A12; b] look down haughtily on s.t.
Nakaminus ka nákù nga biyà may ímung ihátag?
Do you look down on me since you give me the rejects?
Gikaminusan níla ang ímung trabáhu, They look down on the kind of job you have.

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