TUKAR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tukar v {1} [A; a2] play a musical instrument, piece.
Hanas siyang mutukar sa marimba, He plays the marimba well.
Tanggu tukara, Play a tango.
{1a} [A; b(1)] for a musical group to per-form.
Dúna silay tukaran nga parti karung gabíi, They will perform at a party tonight.
{2} [A2] have an attack of a recur-ring illness or undesirable behavior.
Mutukar ang riyuma kun ting-ulan, Rheumatism flares up on rainy days.
n {1} music played.
Magsáyaw ta inigsúgud sa tukar, Lets dance when the music starts.
{2} performance by a musical group.
pa- v [A; ac] turn on a phonograph, radio for music.
Patukara ang púnu, Turn on the phonograph.
Bítuls ang ipatukar, Play a Beatles record.

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